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Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Diagnostics and early interventions for young children


In 2023, an outpatient clinic was opened at the Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy for the examination and treatment of children up to the age of five.
In the first year alone, over 100 families registered, 80 of whom were examined and subsequently received counseling or therapy.

Aims of the practical research project:

  1. We would like to use the explorative analysis of diagnostic groups and clinical data to find correlations that provide information about the need for specific interventions in the sense of an indication model, and to continuously improve and expand our services for the young children age group.
  2. With the help of the satisfaction questionnaire we have developed for parents of young children, we would like to collect and evaluate results regarding the effectiveness of our treatment services and satisfaction from the parents' perspective.
  3. One of the treatment focuses is a highly effective intervention (Parent-Child-Interaction Therapy PCIT) for children with social/oppositional behavior disorder that has already been tested internationally. Data from the Zurich sample is continuously collected and analyzed for this purpose. Here, too, the aim is to gain insights into those factors that can have a favorable or unfavorable influence on the course of therapy.


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Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Psychiatric University Hospital
University Zurich (UZH)
Please note:
If you need advice or an appointment for your child, please contact us at: