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Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

History of child and adolescent psychiatry in Zurich


Professor Susanne Walitza, Clinic Director of the KJPP, was appointed as the first representative for child and adolescent psychiatry as an individual member of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS).


Celebration of 100 years of child and adolescent psychiatry in Zurich on 25 August 2022, open day on 27 August and Swiss Congress for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Zurich with the theme «Resilienz, Schutzfaktoren, Chancen und 100 Jahre KJPP»  on 1 - 2 September 2022.

Implementation and commissioning of the clinical crisis centre for adolescents «Life» and the crisis intervention unit in autumn 2022 under the direction of Dr Maurizia Franscini and KD Dr Dagmar Pauli.

Prof Dr Susanne Walitza, Clinic Director of the KJPP, takes over the chairmanship of the PUK Medical Directorate once again.


Allocation of cantonal funds from the Health Directorate as an immediate measure to cope with care due to the Covid 19 pandemic. This includes funds for a crisis intervention centre and associated day clinic places as well as for the expansion of outpatient clinics, the KANT emergency service and for a consultation service.

Cooperation agreement with Children Action for the implementation of the Life programme for young people in need.


The first case of coronavirus is diagnosed in Switzerland in February. Until June 2020, the PUK is under the operational management of the PUK pandemic team headed by PD Dr Stefan Vetter, which is formally appointed by CEO Merz and the Head of the Medical Directorate Prof Dr Susanne Walitza. The KJPP is setting up an implementation pandemic team consisting of all KJPP division heads.

As part of the pandemic, the first fully virtual SGKJPP congress, which should have taken place in Zurich, is held from 26 to 28 August under the leadership of Susanne Walitza and Stephan Eliez. More than 600 people from Switzerland and around the world took part in the congress, which featured 24 national and international symposia.

On 26 August, the ESCAP SGKJPP Academy took place in cooperation with the European Society of KJP.


The Psychiatric University Clinic becomes independent and is given a Board of Directors with Dr Renzo Simoni as Chairman.

Prof Dr Susanne Walitza becomes Head of the Medical Directorate of the PUK for a two-year term and takes a seat for the PUK on the newly created Coordination Committee of University Medicine Zurich UMZH.


Opening of the new Brüschhalde building with a ceremony led by the cantonal building authority and the KJPP on 5 April 2017.

With almost 500 employees, the KJPP is now one of the largest Swiss and European clinics for child and adolescent psychiatry.


KJPD becomes the fourth clinic of the PUK (Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy)

Opening of a third ward for adolescents at the PUK with 12 treatment places for adolescents aged 14-17.


Relocation of the Brüschhalde paediatric ward to Unot (Meilen) for the duration of the construction work in Brüschhalde

Decision by the Health Directorate to reclassify an adult psychiatric ward in the PUK as an adolescent ward, opening summer 2016.


Credit approval of the Cantonal Council for the extension of the Brüschhalde paediatric ward and credit approval of the Government Council for the renovation of the main building, with offer from 2017

Government Council decision on the merger of KJPD and PUK

Implementation of the new hospital school ordinance and takeover of the teaching staff's employment contracts from the public education authority.


Opening of the day clinic for children and young people at Albanistrasse 24 in Winterthur and relocation of the Winterthur regional office from Villa Wolfer to Albanistrasse 24 in Winterthur.


Opening of the Zurich North regional office with simultaneous closure of the Effretikon regional office.


Opening of the neurobiochemistry laboratory

Inauguration of the joint MR centre of PUK and KJPD as part of highly specialised medicine.


Election of Prof. Dr med. Dipl.-Psych. Susanne Walitza as Medical Director.


Opening of the forensics centre at Neptunstrasse 60 in Zurich.


Retirement of Kurt Kneringer (Administrative Management), lic. iur. Marcel Brenn succeeds him.


Inauguration of the Centre for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry on Neumüsterallee in Zurich.


Credit approval for the conversion of the three properties for the Centre for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry on Neumünsterallee in Zurich.


Establishment of the neurophysiological laboratory for brain mapping (Head: Dr D. Brandeis).


70th anniversary of the KJPD with festive event and commemorative publication.


Opening of the Effretikon regional office


Establishment of the research department


Adoption of the concept for child and adolescent psychiatric care in the Canton of Zurich by the Cantonal Council


Election of Prof Dr Dr Hans-Christoph Steinhausen as Medical Director


Negative result in the referendum on the expansion of residential care for young people


Election of Prof Dr Robert Jules Corboz as Medical Director


Inauguration of the Brüschhalde extension, including therapy centre and school building


Election of Prof Dr Jakob Lutz as Medical Director


Opening of Brüschhalde observation centre in the former orphanage "uf Brüsch" in Männedorf


Opening of the polyclinic in Stephansburg


Dr Jakob Lutz takes over Stefansburg, development of the child and adolescent psychiatric service of the Canton of Zurich


Opening of the first child and adolescent psychiatric observation ward in the Stefansburg on the grounds of the Burghölzli Clinic in Zurich
