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Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

100 years of child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy in Zurich

When a public institution reaches its centenary, it is a cause for pride and gratitude.
is an occasion for joy, pride and gratitude. It is a moment to look back
look back and forward. It is a date to remember the developments to date and to recall the achievements and accomplishments, but also the challenges of the pioneers and employees.

Anniversary book

Collage on the occasion of the 100th anniversary celebrations by pupils of the TKK clinic school

Stephansburg, the first observation centre for children and young people in the canton of Zurich.

The observation centre moved from the "Steffi" to the Brüschhalde in Männedorf. Today, Brüschhalde is still a paediatric ward with 40 treatment places.

Brüschhalde damals

The Brüschhalde back then.

Brüschhalde heute

The Brüschhalde today.

On Neumünsterallee in Zurich, there are now two wards for adolescents in the buildings of the former Schulthess Clinic.


The main building of the KJPP on Neumünsterallee.
