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Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry


We use evidence-based techniques specific to adolescents, such as cognitive behavioral strategies and psychoeducation, to provide participants with the tools and understanding they need to proactively face and manage future crises.

In addition, AdoASSIP emphasizes the importance of post-trial support to ensure sustained support beyond the intervention phase. The implementation of AdoASSIP is a crucial step in the fight against the alarming suicide rates among young people. As part of these projects, two doctoral projects are investigating the influence of peer group (M. Rizk) and family (M. Preisig) on suicidality.

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Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie (KJPP) / Forschung
Universität Zürich
Neumünsterallee 9
8032 Zürich
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